How to change car oil

How to change car oil

There is some basic information about the car that you need to know before you start changing the car oil, such as: the type of oil that fits the car, and the oil filter to be changed, by knowing but making sure the year the car was manufactured, the size of the engine, Most of this information can be found in the car’s manual. It is possible to search for the type of the car from the shops where the oil is located, if you cannot know the type of oil, as well as check the oil filter, and then change the oil of the car.

It is necessary to know the type of oil suitable for the car in order to keep the internal parts of the engine is a gesture and lubricant, and because the lack of oil change resulting in the accumulation of dirt leading to physical damage such as the need to change the engine fully, so we will address in this article to answer the question how to change car oil in detail.

Bring oil change tools

Tools must be prepared before changing the oil of the car, such as rubber gloves, oil leakage blanket, car lever, razor switch, oil filter, oil discharge tank, paper napkins, and compressor. It is easy to flow, and then the car is lifted, the discharge tank is placed under it, and the oil discharge begins.

Old oil discharge

The oil is installed by the drain plug. It is recommended to place a tank in the old oil until it is recirculated, so it is possible to place the drain plug in the recycling tank at the top so that all the oil is inside, and then replace the drain plug.

Change the oil filter

It is possible to use a key to filter the oil to remove the old oil filter, by moving it in the opposite direction of the clock, and then prepare the new oil filter to be placed, and advised to soften the foot rubber before with a little new oil at the end of the filter, and fill two thirds of the filter or slightly more Oil, and then install the new filter properly in place, and finally tighten the filter clockwise.

Fill the new oil

Start filling the new oil by opening the oil cover and introducing the funnel, and then making sure that the oil is enough to contain the engine, and the bottling of the three-quarters of the tank, and then check the level of oil, and close the lid well.





Car prices for 2018

Car prices for 2018

The car industry is increasing rapidly. This came to make one kind of different models, which is difficult to take the decision to buy, especially that the cars fall under the list of durable goods, that the buyer in developing countries always seek to be careful before the completion of the purchase so as not to cause problems You face the car for a longer time

In this article, we have collected the prices of luxury cars worldwide for 2018 and their prices in the Arab world

Global car prices

– The Alpine A110 is one of the best cars to be sold by 2018, worth 50,000 euros

– The Audi e-tron is one of the most powerful SUVs with a three-speed electric engine to produce 496 hp, accelerating from zero to 62 kilometers in less than 4.6 seconds with a financial value of 50,000 euros

– The Audi Q8, a stylish and dazzling vehicle, is also a multi-purpose sports car with many advanced technologies starting at 70,000 euros

– BMW i8 Roadster is a high-tech car that starts at a price of one hundred and twenty thousand euros

-The BMW X7 has a lot of new and beautiful features that start with a price of fifty five thousand euros

– The Hyundai i30N is a medium-priced car with a price starting at € 26,000

The great Jaguar I-Pace does not use that car for a petrol engine but relies on two electric motors and starts at 60,000 euros

– The Lexus LS also has a price of sixty thousand euros

– Subaru XV medium price starting from the price of twenty-three thousand euros

Volkswagen Polo is a relatively cheap car with a price starting at 12,000 euros

Car prices for 2018 in Arabic

– Fiat 2018 starting from three thousand and five hundred KWD

– Skoda 2018 starting from four thousand and four hundred KWD

– Peugeot 2018 starts from one and sixty thousand KWD

– Hyundai 2018 starts from two thousand and seven hundred KWD

– Kia 2018 starts from three thousand KWD

– Chevrolet 2018 starts from three thousand and five hundred KWD

– Ferrari 2018 starts from sixty seven thousand KWD

– Ford 2018 starts from three thousand and one hundred KWD

– Mazda 2018 starts at three thousand seven hundred KWD

– Porsche 2018 starts its price from fifteen thousand four hundred KWD

– Jeep 2018 starts at seven seven thousand KWD

– Volkswagen 2018 starts at four thousand five hundred KWD

– Infiniti 2018 starts its price of nine thousand KWD

– Opel 2018 starts at five thousand and one hundred KWD

– GMC 2018 and the price starts from seven thousand and six hundred KWD

– Isuzu 2018 starts at four thousand six hundred KWD




How to clean the car from inside and outside

How to clean the car from inside and outside

The presence of stains and dirt on the car gives it an inappropriate appearance and causes it to ruin recently, so you have to clean the car constantly to keep it from changing color and destruction, and you can do it yourself without the need to spend a lot of money on them, in addition to it will check every detail of the car more Of the laundry agent.

In this article we will discuss how to clean the car from the inside and outside easily, to maintain the appearance of the car and keep it shiny and beautiful, and that the ride of the car is clean and makes the driver fun and feel comfortable and recovery.

How to clean the car from the inside

  • Clean the car carpets first and remove any dirt and stains on it, using a vacuum cleaner that contains a hose that removes dirt between the seats.
  • Use a clean toothbrush to remove dirt on the dashboard as well as door panels.
  • Move the front seats to clean under it to get rid of any dirt or dust suspended.
  • Use a damp cloth to wipe the dashboard, and then wipe the door handles, steering wheel, seat holder, and cups.
  • Moisten a damp cloth with warm water and some drops of laundry detergent and clean and wipe the seat belts.
  • Clean the sunroof and windows, by using a cloth dampened with a cleaner, and clean the glass and windows because it does not cause spills.
  • Change the floor mats of the car and make sure that all windows and doors are closed, so start cleaning the car from the outside.

How to clean the car from the outside

  • It is best to clean the car either in the morning or evening, so that the sun is as low as possible.
  • Bring two buckets of water, one with detergent and one to rinse, and the bucket must be clean to get rid of the soap completely.
  • Start cleaning the car from top to bottom, taking care not to clean the car randomly, as the water has not reached the dry spots, and cleaning in one direction prevents any scratches.
  • A liquid cleaner is used to clean external tires by washing them.
  • Clean the car with a dry cloth.



Driving Instruction

Driving Instruction

Driving has become a natural thing, especially in our time, so the right way to drive must be identified. Be sure to observe the fuel meter and speedometer as well as the engine oil counter.

Driving is not easy, as not knowing how to drive properly leads to a lot of accidents, so in this article we will learn how to teach driving for beginners.

Driving Instruction Steps

  • First, be sure to attach the seat belt when riding in the driver’s seat of the car, as this belt maintains the safety of the driver in the event of any accident, and then the key is inserted next to the steering wheel, so the car engine starts work, and do not mind opening the window to reassure From having no engine problem before you start driving.
  • The pedal is pressed immediately after the vehicle is turned on, and the transmission moves to the neutral position and lifts the foot from the pedal, but after running the vehicle.
  • Be careful that the angles of front and side mirrors are disciplined, so that the clarity of vision on the sides of the car and beyond.
  • Sit in a comfortable position for the body to be the foot and a pin to the pedals, and also reach the hands to the steering wheel.
  • First push the pedal and then move the first gear to the left and then forward, and finally the manual brake grip.
  • Lift the foot from the pedal of the interlock until the feeling of vibration of the car engine and sound, and then press again on the same pedal to determine the starting point.
  • Slowly lift the foot off the interlock pedal so that the car does not turn off, and start pressing the accelerator pedal with the right foot but slowly.
  • Wait after a small distance and then press the accelerator pedal after slowly lifting the foot from the accelerator pedal, while pulling the transmission back.
  • The left foot is slowly pulled out of the interlock pedal while the right foot is pressed on the accelerator pedal and repeated in case the gearbox changes.
  • The transmission moves between the first, second, third and fourth parts according to the speed at which they are to be moved, while slowly pressing the pressure pedal on the pedal and the gasoline.
  • When the car is stopped, the foot is slowly lifted from the pedal and the pedal is pressed at the same time, so that the transmission moves to the lower gear, and then the car stops.



Where is the first car in the world made?

Where is the first car in the world made?

The car has become a very important thing in the lives of all people around the world, it is a means of transportation for people and goods, has evolved the car industry since its invention to our time, the car has evolved in terms of form and content and fuel, so arrived in this form that we see now.

The first car in the world:

The steam car

The first appearance of cars in the fifteenth century AD in the form of a steam car; when Leonardo Da Vinci and Isaac Newton initial designs of the car. Then in 1776, the Frenchman Nikolgoshev Kognut made a car engine powered by steam. In the United States, Oliver Evans obtained the first patent for a steam car in 1789, and in Britain, Richard Trevethick built the first steamed vehicle in 1801.

Electric car

Electric cars appeared after Hungarian astronomer Anios Gedlik introduced a small electric car in 1828. From 1832 to 1839, the Scottish inventor Robert Anderson created a real electric motor. In 1842, Thomas Davenport and Robert Davidson built new engines – but not rechargeable – and, in 1865, the French Gaston Plante built a car with a better battery; the batteries then improved.

Fuel-powered car

The actual application of fuel-powered cars by Carl Benz began in 1885 and was of a high standard compared to the cars that existed at the time. The car was of high speed and its engine had one cylinder and horizontally mounted at the rear of the car, its steel frame is made of steel and consisted of two seats and three spikes hooked with wires. After Benz, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach built a four-wheeled, engine-powered vehicle that was one of the leading automakers in the United States.

Auto industry boom

The automobile industry flourished after the invention of fuel-powered engines, and manufacturers began buying engines from Benz and Daimler to build modern cars.



Reasons for the weakness of the car electricity

Reasons for the weakness of the car electricity

Cars are one of the most important daily needs of man, since everyone has a private car and it is unfortunate that this car has a malfunction, resulting in a lot of material losses. The largest of these losses to cars is the weakness of the car electricity, which produces a negative result Headlamp It is possible to develop this holiday because it becomes the engine does not have the ability to walk or move, in which case it is necessary to know the reasons for the weakness of the car electricity and work to address them.

The reasons for the weakness of the car electricity when it occurs

Car experts confirmed that there are many reasons that lead to the disruption of the car, and must be checked several things in the car in case of exposure to this problem are as follows:

  • Check cables and dynamos

First, it is necessary to monitor the dynamo and make sure it is not damaged and has no malfunction, and then monitor the wires and battery cables between the two poles of the battery, to make sure that there is no damage or even pieces of wire.

  • Aviometer inspection

It is necessary to have an aviometer that measures the battery voltage to make sure that the voltage is 12 V as it is. In this case, the battery is in good condition and excellent. Ensure that the battery cable is not damaged by this device.

When the battery is relatively weak, you must check the dynamo and operate the car with another battery, make sure that the dynamo is free of any malfunction by measuring it when operating the car and also make sure its voltage is 13 volts as it is, but if the voltage is less then it must be replaced or If possible.

Ways to get rid of the problem of weak car electricity

  • Regulator

The regulator is used to eliminate the problem of poor power of the car or in the event of a battery failure, as the regulator helps in a high rate of increase in the life of the battery, and the nature of work that it reduces the internal combustion of the engine and it increases the rate of response, because it works To regulate the performance of oscillations and frequencies of electric current in the car.

  • Increase the size of the negative wire

It is possible to increase the size of the negative wire that is connected to the body of the car by taking a good type of wires that connect to the electrical current, ensuring that the resistance of these wires zero, and then divided into three equal pieces.

Each of these wires is connected to the cathode of the battery, with a wire attached to the dynamo, a motor cord, and the last to the body of the vehicle.



Reasons for poor cooling of car air conditioner

Reasons for poor cooling of car air conditioner

One of the most important and indispensable things in the car is the air conditioner, especially in both summer and winter, and this importance comes back to ease it from falling into traffic accidents that occur as a result of the mental instability of the car leader, not only by providing comfort while driving, This is because one of the leading causes of accidents is driving in unsuitable conditions, especially in countries with mild weather. This places the importance of the car’s air conditioner and its maintenance, and the search for the causes of poor cooling and maintenance of the car air conditioner to maintain its efficiency.

Car air conditioner components

Compressor: This is the device used for pressure, and its function is the pressure of the cooling gas inside the air conditioner, and is powered by electricity.

Condenser: It is a spiral tool for condensation, and its function is to store refrigerant gas, resulting in air cooling.

Valve: A basic tool that is found in each air conditioner, which is responsible for the evaporative cooling sprayer mentioned in the evaporator.

Fan: It pulls or pulls air from the car and then passes it to the fumigation device.

Cooling evaporator: It is responsible for passing the cooling fluid in the air conditioner, which is spiral.

Cooling valve: Connects refrigerant gas in the gaseous state to the gas compressor.

Reasons for poor cooling of car air conditioner and its solution

There are many reasons for the poor cooling of the car air conditioner, which makes it not working properly, and the most important of these reasons:

  • Freon gas in the air conditioner is often leaking or slightly reduced.
  • High temperature of the car.
  • A defect in the air filter results in some dust and dirt on it.
  • Refrigerator fan failure.
  • Use openings that exit cold or hot air in an incorrect way.

Solve the problem of double car air conditioner cooling

  • Freon gas must be mobilized from the original manufacturer.
  • Accelerate the solution of the problem of attaching the temperature of the body of the car, which is cooled by using cold water rather than normal.
  • Note the air filter and change the command should.
  • Time to detect and maintain the refrigerator fan.
  • Check the compressor and change it if it is weak.


How to remove car scratches

How to remove car scratches

Car owners often see scratches on the roofs of their cars and do not know their origin. They are disturbed that scratches can lose their beauty. Scratches can result from exposure to many frictions, such as wall contact or collision with another vehicle or sharp machine.

Some car owners may not want to go to the maintenance centers and solve those problems, because of the time it takes for the repair as well as it reduces the value of the car.

We therefore offer you the most important and easiest way to handle all the scratches on your own, without having to go to the maintenance center:

Here are some scratches and removal methods:

  1. A) Surface scratches:

These surface scratches are easy to remove and are often produced by exposure to dust or minor friction and can be removed by the owner of the car himself without having to go to the service center by:

1) Wash the car and remove dust from the surface

2) Using shoe polisher: After washing and drying the car, a layer of shoe polisher is placed in reverse color of the car on the place of scratching and then we will remove it to determine the size of the scratching accurately.

3) Rinse the place of aspiration periodically

4) Using toothpaste: It may be a strange treatment, but it is used to remove the scratches because it contains natural materials where it is placed on the place of scratching in a circular and then wiped with a cloth.

5) Using nail polish: Apply a suitable layer to the color of the car and then place it on the scratching site evenly until the scratch disappears.

6) Waxing: Wax is rubbed on the scratching area where it covers the scratching and prevents its extension to the rest of the car.

7) The use of gum: a good material where being transparent and scratching mixes the rest of the car color.

  1. B) Intermediate scratches:

The result of friction of the surface of the car with a sharp machine can be treated as follows:

  • Polish in the color of the car: The polisher completely cleans the outside of the car, and adds a deep dye to reduce the scratches on it significantly and using the same color.
  • Spray the car in a color similar to the color of the car: so that the surface of the car is sprayed, and then wipe it with a little jazz; to fill the blanks caused by scratches.
  1. C) Strong scratches:

Caused by a strong penetration of the chassis, in which case it is treated by a specialized maintenance center.

Protection from scratches

-Cover the car with waxy material every time.

–  Avoid leaving the car exposed and without an external cover to protect it.

-The need to cover the car from the inside and lining it well.

– Avoid using non-soft towels or threads that are rough and scratchy. Try to stop the car in uninhabited places with a high percentage of people.

– Keep your car clean.




Difference between Automatic cars and regular cars

Difference between Automatic cars and regular cars

Automatic cars and ordinary cars, or as they are called cars, are two types of cars. The difference between them is not great. The constant question in the field of cars is which cars are the best and the most common? Therefore, Wejdan Driving Company offers you the answer to this question. Indicating the difference between the two types.

Distinguish differences between automatic and regular cars

  • Speed: If we want to compare between automatic cars and ordinary cars in terms of speed, the usual cars come in front of the car automatic, it is at least faster than the second version of the automatic.
  • Gears: The normal gearbox is more fun when driving from automatic cars.
  • Comfort while driving: If we talk about comfort while driving, the automatic car comes in the front, not only the comfort of the car but also the luxury and pleasure.
  • Ability to control and resistance to slips: The normal car gives the driver greater control and resistance to any glides that may be exposed while driving, and this is not available in cars with the same automatic.
  • Maintenance cost: maintenance in Manual or regular cars is cheaper than automatic cars.
  • The normal car is more fuel-efficient than conventional power, while the car consumes more fuel than regular cars require.
  • Manuel cars are the best choice in the Arabian Gulf because they carry the sand in order not to stitches and control the torque.
  • Price: The Manual cars are characterized by automatic cars at a cheaper price.

What is meant by automatic car and regular car?

Automatic Car:

This means that the car is automatic, that is, it moves automatically as it is apparent from the name. The driver of the car should not only transport it to D mode. The car will do all the work. It will move between the speeds in a way or automatically. The automatic cars are characterized by the absence of a clutch or a pedigree pedal originally for lack of need.

Regular or Manuel car:

The regular car is based on a manual transmission where the transmission and change between the movements is done manually. Or by pressing the defrag to separate motor movement.



ABS system in cars

ABS system in cars

Historical overview of abs system

French engineer Gabriel Fozan was the first to invent the Abs system in 1929, purely mechanically, and was used for aircraft at the time and then was tested on the first car was Ferguson.

The two companies Mercedes and Porsche developed the system to work as it is in its current form and spread more widely in the mid-nineties and the sixties of the last century.

What is the ABS system in cars?

The anti-lock braking system is abbreviated to ABS, a safety system that prevents the car’s wheels from rotating during braking. The driver will press on the brake instead. The system automatically prevents the steering of the vehicle during severe braking. It calms the rotation of the wheels so that the connection between the frame and the ground remains intact and allows the vehicle to be guided even during braking until it stops.

The system also allows the tire rotation of the driver to maintain steering of the vehicle, by preventing the sliding of the wheels and allow it to continue interaction and friction with the road surface as directed by the driver. The ABS improves vehicle control and reduces downtime on dry and slick surfaces. But it may increase the braking distance on soft surfaces such as snow and gravel with improved vehicle control.

ABS system forms

Different types of ABS system vary depending on the type of engine used in the vehicle in terms of the number of valves and the number of speed sensors, as follows:

Four channel system and four sensors:

This is one of the best types, because it provides individual wheel control to ensure maximum braking power, thanks to having four-wheel speed sensors and a separate valve for each.

Three channel system and three sensors:

This type of system fully controls the front wheels of the vehicle, with each wheel having a separate valve and a special sensor, while the two wheels have a joint valve and sensor in between. This may result in inefficient control of their brakes as a result of the possibility of a wheel being locked during the stop.

One channel system and one sensor:


This system is similar to the three-way control system that includes one valve for both rear wheels, which may result in inefficient shut-off. It also has one sensor that can be found near the electrical connection at the point on the vehicle’s rear axle.


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